Jennifer Robyn Burke 


Jennifer has always turned to art to connect. To ground and to transcend. Art has been a portal home. A form of therapy to help heal trauma, a safe space to celebrate and process emotions. 

Jennifer grew up in Nova Scotia where she completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts interdisciplinary (BFA) from NSCAD University in Halifax and continues an interdisciplinary approach in her art making practice.

Fascinated by Fibonacci sequences, fractals, frequencies felt and seen, Jennifer seeks to capture and recreate these connections. Working in layers, using her love for colour and the play of light and dark, she seeks to explore depth, meaning, emotion, and spark a curiosity and wonder of the colourful, chaotic, cohesive, connected nature of our human existence. 

Jennifer respectfully acknowledges that the land on which she works and lives is the traditional unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. Her home studio is located on the seashore, down by the bay in the beautiful Miramichi Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. It is here she proudly lives a life in love with her spouse, and a pride of four cats. 

“ By working in layers of colour, I can enjoy the process more than trying to control the outcome. I am creating changes in reality before my eyes as I trust my intuition and open heart to lead me through the work. I practice letting go of attaching myself to predicting outcomes and trust that I can remain present and open enough to receive and allow my intuitive heart to flow, release, and/or receive. Not all layers or moments are pleasant, they can be uncomfortable and painful. It is a practice to be present and trust that the joy will once again be found. Art helps to build the skills for navigating big feelings by anchoring in intuition and trust. A knowing that things can change, sometimes in the blink of an eye, by the very human impulse to make a mark, to connect. I am curious of the capability we have to make marks and create a world through our layers of consciousnesses”.